Submit your Letter of Intent Now

The Grants Management Office within the Dubai Future Foundation will begin accepting Letters of Intent on 27th September 2024.

The Grants Management Office will invite selected PIs to submit full proposals by 1st November 2024; details on the full proposal submissions will be provided at that time.

We envision that approximately 20 Principal Investigators will be invited to submit full proposals, of which at least 10 Principal Investigators will be selected for funding once the peer-review process is complete.

To submit your Letter of Intent, kindly review the eligibility criteria outlined below and complete your online Letter of Intent application through the dedicated form at the end of the page.

Upcoming Due Dates

Letter of Intent due:

5:00pm GST on 27th September 2024

Full Proposal due:

5:00pm GST on 1st November 2024

Dubai RDI Grant Initiative Application Guidelines

Eligibility criteria for Applicants

Applicants for grant funding must:

Have a PhD degree in a field relevant to RDI

Be fully affiliated with a Dubai-based Higher Education Institution (HEI) or research centre

Have a displayed track record of research excellence

Affiliated Institution

Applications are subject to the official support of their affiliated institution providing the following supportive measures


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RDI Cross-Cutting Technology
Please specify if your Letter of Intent includes either Robotics Systems or Artificial Intelligence. If not, select other and specify the type of technology your Letter of Intent includes.
Selected Duration: 12
Please provide here the high-level Goals and Objectives of Research, Development, and Innovation Project (RDI Project).
Please specify how your intended proposal addresses one or more of the priority areas listed in the Dubai RDI Grant Program as follows:

Priority Sectors areas:
Priority Sector: Cognitive Cities / Priority Sector: Health and Life Sciences

The topics should also address the following Cross-Cutting Technologies:
Robotics Systems / Artificial Intelligence
Please detail how the expertise of the co-investigators will help achieve stated goals and objectives.
Please describe here the expected project deliverables.
Please describe how your project will challenge and advance current practices, e.g. through novel concepts, approaches, applications etc.
Please describe how the project deliverables are expected to impact the Research, Development, and Innovation Ecosystem within the city of Dubai.
Please state here how much of the requested budget will be retained by the Dubai based HEI or research center and share the proposed budgetary breakdown (e.g. salaries, equipment, travel, etc.)