Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Any Principal Investigator must: 

  • Have a PhD degree in a field relevant to RDI  
  • Be fully affiliated with a Dubai-based Higher Education Institution (HEI) or research centre  
  • Have a displayed track record of research excellence

The Affiliated Institutions of the Principal Investigator as requested to provide following supportive measures to ensure the success of Awarded Proposals:   

  • Reduction of faculty workload to accommodate for the faculty member’s contribution in the research project 
  • Accelerated RDI procurement to support the proposed research activities 
  • Accelerated hiring process to increase headcount to support proposed research activities 
  • Ability to hire research staff (research assistants, engineers, etc.) 

Only eligible Principal Investigators who meet the criteria stated on the website, and who are affiliated with a Dubai-based Higher Education Institution or Research Center can lead the proposal effort.

No. Any Letter of Intent must address one of the preselected priority areas for the 2024 Grant Cycle.

Any Dubai based institution can lead projects for this initiative and any international or UAE based institution can act as a collaborator(s).

A Principal Investigator may submit more than one Letter of Intent. However, only one Letter of Intent may be selected by the review board for a full proposal submission.

No more than 50% of the total awarded grant funding can be disbursed outside of Dubai.

The Letter of Intent will undergo a thorough merit review by a team of experts. Successful applicants will be contacted by Nov 1st, 2024 with further instructions on how to submit a full proposal.

Your full proposal will undergo a thorough merit review process by a team of experts. We will notify all the PIs of the status of their proposals by Dec 31st, 2024.

Applicants who will receive a favorable recommendation will be notified of the award by Dec 31st, 2024.

All applicants will receive copies of the review reports and funding recommendation.

Unsuccessful applications cannot be resubmitted during the same funding cycle. However, applicant contact details will be kept on file, and will be notified of similar grant applications opportunities in the future.